Part I: Bibliographic information
Type: Database/academic
Title: Academic Search Premier
Publisher: EBSCO Industries, Inc.
Origination date: 1997 -- full-text indexing dates to 1990
Broad Focus: Academic Curriculum
Subject(s): Multidisciplinary
Specific inclusions of note: Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Physics, Psychology, Religion and Philosophy, Veterinary Science
Full text: Yes; 4,700 journals
Indexed/Abstracted: Yes; 13,700 journals
Target audience: Undergraduate, graduate, libraries
Online: By subscription through many major libraries and library consortium; www.lili.og
Comparables: Academic Research Complete (more inclusive); Gale Virtual Reference Services
Part I: User’s Annotation, Summary, Critical Evaluation
User’s Annotation -- This database service offers access to a large array of academic journal articles indexed on a monthly basis and accessible through a state-of-the-art search interface.
Summary -- Academic Search Premier now covers articles in select journals from 1965 to present. Some content dates as far back as 1887. It’s focus is multi discipline but includes a good number of the sciences from anthropology to zoology and many things in between. It also includes religion and philosophy and women’s studies as slight aberrations on the science theme.
The interface allows for considerable customization of search approach in two areas: “Search Modes and Expanders” and “Limit Your Results.” The first allows for these options: Keyword/phrase; Find all my search terms (default); Find any of my search terms; SmartText Searching with additional boxes to “Apply related words” and “Also search within full text of the article.” Limits include: “Full Text” and “Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals” boxes. The Limits are also allows for the “Publication” to be specific as well as pages, published dates, publication type and ability to “Image Quick
View” by type (Photo, Graph, Map, Chart, Diagram, Illustration). Advanced search adds options for “Document Type” and “Language” and boxes for “Cover Story” and “PDF Full Text.” The advanced search also allows a Boolean approach in which you can “AND/OR/NOT” on three separate search criteria.
Critical Evaluation -- This service is familiar to many researchers from junior high to doctoral level. It’s easy to use and the interface familiar too many as it’s one of the most widely used databases.
Some interesting features worth noting:
- “Create Alert” allows the researcher to be notified when newly indexed content is added based on existing searches
- A “Search History” feature allows you to track searches previously created
Part III: Publisher Info
According to the Wikipedia article about EBSCO, “In 1936, Elton B. Stephens earned a law degree from the University of Alabama, but decided that managing the sale of magazines was more profitable than practicing law. In 1944, Stephens formed a partnership with his wife, Alys Robinson Stephens, to sell magazine subscriptions, personalized binders and magazine racks to the U.S. Armed Forces. They named this "Military Service Company", and over the next decade acquired several other companies that were eventually combined to form EBSCO Industries Inc. In 2011, EBSCO Publishing took over H. W. Wilson Company.”
Part IV: Curriculum Ties, Diversity, Booktalk Ideas, Challenge Issues
Curriculum Ties, if any -- This database is well suited to academic settings as it’s comprehensive in the sciences and provides scholarly peer-reviewed content.
Diversity of Cultures -- Originally, this database was international in its scope. It includes resources in over twenty languages and indexes journals on a global level.
Classroom Ideas -- The use of academic databases is essential to the modern learning experience. They have replaced physical indexes and encyclopedia. Teachers need to be aware that the use of databases requires practice and exercises should be designed to assist students in learning these essential skills. This could include hands on searches using various combinations of Boolean and keyword search to identify an array of articles on assigned topics.
Part V: Reasons chosen
In Idaho, Academic Research Premier is one of the resources available statewide via a services provided by the Idaho Commission for Libraries call Idaho LiLi. Some public schools have been forced to cut budgets on database services and therefore the availability of Academic Research Premier to all residents aids students by providing an important link to an academic database (EBSCO, 2013). requieres only a zip code and city to enter, search and access articles. It’s widespread availability make it an important resource for those who might not be affiliated with an institution that subscribes to an academic database.
Part VI: Citations
Academic search. (2013). Wikipedia [website]. Retrieved from
EBSCO. (2013). Grades 9-12 Resources [webpage]. Retrieived from
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